Apr 13, 2009

An Easter Sunday Walk

Another very cold, windy, beautiful day.  The weather vane on top of the garage was indicating winds from the WNW which meant the Peconic Bay beach at the end of Pequash Avenue would be in the lee and might be nice enough for an afternoon walk.   Our motto is:  "Any day we walk on the sand is a good day" and very good it was.  The beach is low, protected by a bluff of land for four blocks or so.  The sun's rays kept us warm as we meandered about looking at the big picture and gradually noticing smaller and smaller objects in the brilliance of the day.

(the panoramic shot is my first attempt at photo-stitching), an application that came with the Canon software)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was out yesterday.
It wasn't particularly warm, but the sun was strong and Spring is in the air.
The winds off the water are still cold though.