Jan 27, 2011

Look At The Sky

When I submit photos to Sky Watch Friday I usually opt for colorful, peaceful shots of sunrises over the Peconic Bay or sunsets above the Long Island Sound, but last Sunday afternoon our eyes were drawn upward by a rising column of smoke.  As we watched the smoke suddenly became black.  It was time to investigate.  We were on the west side of the Mattituck Inlet and knew that if the fire was on the other side it would take a long time to get there.  We ended up at the Old Mill Inn where a turntable bridge used to cross the inlet.  Directly in front of us on the east side one hundred yards away was the fire in plain view, the building no more than fifteen feet from water's edge.  The building was the Kaminski's storage barn where they stored supplies associated with their fish and lobstering business, 20 pound propane tanks among other things.  A very few tanks blew.  It could have been much worse had a full 3,000 gallon diesel fuel storage tank three feet from the building not been able to take the heat.  The Mattituck and Cutchogue Fire Departments responded very quickly and were able to save a house and several fishing vessels nearby.  I shot what I could and ended up with several interesting photos.  The sky reminded me of the Jimi Hendrix lyrics:

Look at the sky turn a hell fire red, lord
Somebody's house is burning
 down, down, down, down

For more Sky Watch Friday photos from around the globe click here.


KaHolly said...

Oh, how very sad for the persons who owned the storage building, but how lucky that it wasn't worse than it was, given the contents of the building and the storage tank nearby.

Helen said...

Great shots. Looks scary.

Anonymous said...

Terrible loss, but thank GOD it wasn't worse!

Happy SWF!

Sylvia K said...

Fires of any kind are scary and awful, but ones involving fuel of any kind are even worse! Terrific captures, Mark! Glad it wasn't any worse! Hope you have a great fire-free weekend!


indicaspecies said...

Unfortunate thing to happen, but the pictures have been captured well!

clairz said...

Just horrifying and, as you say, the very opposite of most tranquil Skywatch photos.

By the way, I've never heard of a turntable bridge and am off to look for photos.

mj said...

Wind, fire and rain ... somethings we have very little control over.

Al said...

Great shots of a scary scene. Fires are definitely sad.

Carver said...

Those are excellent shots of a scary event. I'm glad they were able to save the house.

dianasfaria.com said...

Yikes that is scary! thank goodness for our brave firemen.
Great shots Mark.

Rajesh said...

That is a very scary experience. You have captured shots wonderfully.

Francisca said...

Surely that broke someone's heart... Good photo series and unique contribution to SWF.

Pearl Maple said...

Thanks for sharing with SWF, sad to see someone losing their business and the area losing a building

eileeninmd said...

Greaat shots, it does look scary. It must be a very sad time for the owner.

Gabriela Abalo said...

Sad situation :(
Great shots!!!

thanks for visiting my place :)

cheers from Uruguay

Karen said...

These are amazing shots of an unfortunate occurence.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

Thanks for visiting & commenting & here's the link for the Mouse Over

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! =)

Esther Garvi said...

Oh my, what a tragedy...

genie said...

Sky, Fire, and Snow!! What a combinations of colors. This was a huge fire and to think just how much worse it could have been is scary. You got some great shots of all the action and ones I am sure you will look back upon in the years to come.

Ingrid said...

That's the saddest skywatch I have seen today !

Diane AZ said...

Amazing photos! Certainly not something we see everyday. Looks surreal, like a scene from a movie.

My name is Riet said...

That looks really scary. Great shots

Cecilia Artista said...

So dramatic! Great captures!

SandyCarlson said...

What a terrible loss. The firefighters sure took care of things, though. I hope the family who owned it will be able to recuperate this loss to their business.

Anonymous said...

You've documented the entire event with great shots. What a terrible loss though..

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hi Mark, fire, water, great elements as long as they are contained in a submissive state we can control, once they rear their head it is a different matter. Your photos show the devastation, wild flames and black smoke.
Thank you for your comment on L.E.island.

Naturegirl said...

Scary indeed!

Sree Narayana Guru Mandiram said...

Very bad fire.

Lillian Robinson said...

Well, that was quite NOT what I was expecting! Glad you're keeping watch over the skies.

Jeni said...

The seasons of life... good, great, bad and ugly!