Aug 5, 2008

North Fork Jamesport, Little Hamlet, Little Shops, Big Heart

Whoa Nellie is jam packed with neat stuff that one can look at for hours.  I especially love the dated commercial art and the aero-inspired designs that prevailed from the 1930s through the 1950s and a large selection of tin and Schylling toys.  Everything back then seemed to be aimed at "ideal" living and playing that we could all attain via the American Dream.  For a bit of insight to the heart of the shop, click on the Whoa Nellie link and check out the F.A.Qs.

Whoa Nellie Retro Shop - Jamesport


A Sign for Every View

Red Barn Antiques & Things - Jamesport

Jamesport Wines Liquors and New Paint

The Confectionary Corner - Southold

Scenics & Scenes